Saturday, October 24, 2009

Annual Learning Disabilities Conference

This is a great inexpensive conference that features two renowned speakers, William R. Jenson, Ph.D. andLawrence Diller, M.D.. According to the conference web site, "Dr. Jenson, Ph.D. has worked for many years with behaviorally disordered children. Dr. Jenson is currently Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Utah . For the past 15 years, he has been an active staff development presenter and consultant for many school districts, mental health centers, and parent organizations. He is probably best known for coauthoring The Tough Kid Book and The Tough Kid Tool Box . " and "Dr. Diller, M.D . is a behavioral/developmental pediatrician in Walnut Creek , CA and on the clinical faculty of the University of California , San Francisco . Dr. Diller is the author of many professional articles and the books, Running on Ritalin and The Last Normal Child. Dr. Diller has appeared on nearly every major talk show several times and is called regularly to speak on TV and radio whenever children's psychiatric medication is in the news. "
The cost for the conference is $45 for regular preadmission and $15 for students with proof of enrollment. Lots of instructors will also be giving extra credit for students to attend this great conference. This also includes food and drinks in the morning and a great Mexican buffet lunch! This is a great bargain! Some professional units are also available, see the web site for more information. Hope to see you at this great conference.

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